Social Hour

Social Hour Point of Contact (POC) – Tom Reedy (Contact via Resident’s Directory)

Social Hour Mission:   Conduct a monthly Social Hour before the B&A Dinner.  

Organization: 1. The Social Hour event is a hosted monthly pre-dinner event.  It is held before the  B&A monthly dinner/entertainment event.  The Community Center rooms normally are used for the Social Hour.  Any resident may attend the social hour.

2.  Cost of Social Hour offerings: Wine & liquor & soft drinks, and Hors d’oeuvres: Members volunteer to host a month, or months, and contribute pro-rata based on the event non-meal costs.

Members:  Each month’s B&A Social Hour event is hosted by resident volunteers who donate for the non-meal related drink and Hors d’oeuvre expenses.   Contact the Month’s POC to volunteer.  Contact information in Resident Directory.

January: Susan Griffith    February: Jane Caudill/Lu Schuster  March: Pat Perry/Pat Wagner

April: Juanita Hess  May: Tom Reedy    June: Debbie White   July: Jim Kellogg August: Patricia McCarthy

 September:  Leo Bell  October:  Peggi Parkhill November: Kathy Bader   December: Corlea Plowman