Activity Name:      Roadrunner Golf Club
Point of Contact:     Mark Wessman  (See Resident Directory for contact information)
Mission:              Enjoy golfing and allow residents to socialize.

Meetings:          No scheduled club meetings; infrequent “ad hoc” meetings typically occur post-play.

Fees:     – Initiation of $25 used for events and picnics.  
                – Golf fees vary based on course played. 
                – The Golf Club of Texas offers discount programs.

Schedule:        –  We currently primarily golf at the Golf Club of Texas (
                          –  We normally play on Monday and Thursday.   The course and schedule may vary.
                          –  Schedule details and times are provided via email;  contact Mark Wessman to be added.

Members 2024:          ‘See Resident Directory for contact information’
Jack Briggs  – Rona Bonn – Al Buie – Pat Caruana  – Jim Cosgrove  – Eppie Exconde    –   Dave Hennessy – Tom  Keck  –  Pat  Kelley  – Ron  Miller – Kathleen  Raymond  – Dennis Rosenberry – Pat Wagner  – Mark and Marti Wessman – Kent Williams – Gil Wolfe – Tom  Young  – Mike  Kasper*non-resident  

Other:        –  All skill levels and handicaps are invited to play; everyone, male or female.
                  – Rules of Play have been modified with local club rules: Links to the Roadrunner golfing club rules and procedures. Download copy of club procedures and rules.
                   –  We have a “Nassau” competition at each play.  Teams are chosen by random card draw.  Teams may win low front, low back, and overall low score.  A handicap system makes every team a potential winner; details are available upon request.  Each player donates to a winner’s pool (currently $3).
                  – Guests are welcome.

 Putting:  We have a putting mat located in room 22 in the Vista Wing.   Sharpen your putting skills . . . . rain or shine!