Activity: Social Club
BSTW has a Social Club (SC). The SC was established because BSTW does not have a liquor license, and the residents wanted a place to socialize over cocktails. The liquor boxes and related SC memberships were created to meet that need. Members can store their liquor, setups, and wine, so one does not have to bring them with you every time one goes to the Road Runner Lounge or dinner.
• If no boxes are available, you may elect to be placed on a waiting list.
• The Road Runner Lounge is open to all residents; however, SC members have a private event on the last Friday of the month (Final Friday Fling) in the Road Runner room. Only box owners may attend this event.
Governance: A steering committee facilitates the functioning of the SC. The main purpose of the committee is to facilitate the sale and transfer of the liquor boxes.
Points of Contact : Ralph Kelly, Tom Cochran, Jack Briggs. –all have contact info in residence directory
Fees: Liquor boxes may be obtained by letting the steering committee chair man know by email that you wish to be on the wait list for a box. Boxes may be purchased through the Social Club from an owner for $500. To purchase a box or be placed on a waiting list, contact the chairman of the SC steering committee, Ralph Kelly by email (Resident Directory).
Sharing a box is encouraged and if that is the case, two residents may purchase a box for $250 apiece.
• A box or half box is purchased from the current owners) for $500/250, not the club or management. The steering committee chairman facilitates the transfer. The monies from the transfer are strictly kept by the sellers/buyers, not the club .
• The only money kept by the SC is a member funded account kept by the chairman for paper products and any incidentals required for Final Friday Fling (FFF). Management does not maintain a SC fund.
• Maximum of two people per box.
Meeting: The SC meets on the Final Friday of the month for the FFF. The SC members will gather in the Roadrunner Lounge (RRL) for food, drinks, and socializing, for two hours. This is a private event, exclusively for SC members. At all other times the RRL room is open to all residents of BST.
a. Residents on the liquor box wait list may attend the FFF, but they must bring either a snack, dish, or dessert and a beverage like the SC members do.
b. Social interaction and networking among FFF participants are highly encouraged. Every effort should be made to make both new members and current members feel welcome.
c. The SC policy of no guests at the FFF has not changed.
3. A new member program is established to make new box owners and those on the wait list feel welcome and to make them aware of all the SC has to offer.
a. Each resident on the wait list will be assigned a sponsor. The sponsor has a one-time duty to invite the prospective new m e m b e r to the FFF. The sponsor will explain the event procedures ahead of time.
b. The sponsor will accompany the prospective new member to the FFF and introduce them to other members.
PDF: Social Club 101 PDF: Social Club Marketing Handout 2025